Kathy, Harry and Vince at Harry’s house back in February after 120 pages and 10 hours of going through the screenplay page by page.
Amazing editor, Harry Keramidas, (Back To The Future), had a great piece of advice for us the other day, “Taking a few weeks away will also give you a better perspective of what you got rather than what you wanted”….and he would know.Happily back at our yellow house in Vermont, we sort through loose ends from the shoot (shocking how many of those there are even after we thought we had them all sorted!) while breathing a little* before settling in to finish our rough cut.
*what does ‘breathing a little’ really mean? Vince and I (Kathy) are taking a film acting class. We thought it’d be interesting to be on the other side of ‘action’ for a change. Our scene this week was from Cheers. And for all your Cheers buffs, it’s the one where Diane’s cat dies.
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