
First Day of Filming

With day one under our belts, we are feeling really good. Finished an hour twenty ahead of schedule even with sticking in an extra boom shot. A boom shot looks cool whether you are on the ground looking up or in the air looking down.  How about that blue sky! And this is only part [...]

First Day of Filming2018-05-23T03:28:56-05:00

7 Days and Counting

Picking up odds and ends at Cinequipt. Won't be long now.  7 days!  We're saying "I wish we had another week," but I think even if we had another week we'd be saying that.     Part of the crew at our nightly production meetings that are scheduled to last half an hour but last an hour and [...]

7 Days and Counting2018-05-23T03:28:56-05:00