Welcome to the YellowHouse Film blog. We are using this as a count down until our principle photography begins. Sort of a journal and sort of a to do list.
I’m not giving you our backgrounds here. We’ve done that other places on the site and if you were interested, you’ve already read them. Mostly we’re going to be talking FILM FILM FILM and how these two indie film makers are going to make it to DAY 1.
If it was 72 days until the end of the semester or 72 days until your mother-in-law moved out, it would seem like forever. But having 72 days until principle photography on our first feature film begins…THAT, will be here way too soon.
“It’s like a full time job with no pay,” says Kathy

Secret Location #1
Some days I feel like we are in the same place as we were 6 months ago even though we’ve been working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. Then, when I go back and look at my list, I see that we actually have a lot of things we didn’t have 6 months ago.
1. We have a screenplay.
2. We have most of what will be an amazing crew.
3. We have have been certified for the Minnesota SNOWBATE film production incentive by the Minnesota Film and Television Board.
4. We are funded.
5. We have a website.
6. We have 2 (two) facebook pages (which may not sound like a big deal to most people but it is to us)
7. We’ve secured tons of locations…and I’ll be posting one un-identified location per post until I run out. How’s that for building some excitement around the film?
8. We have a working title and about 500 others just waiting to become the ‘one’.
9. We have lodging and meals all set for everybody.
10. We’ve held two rounds of auditions and holding the third this week.
11. We have a payroll service and accountant.
12. We have a bookkeeper.
13. We have met and engaged with tons of local people and support.
This is a list of headings representing millions (I’m exaggerating…but it is thousands) of details. The list is making me tired so I’m going to sign off for today. ps. and if anyone knows where we can find a 70s Winnebago that’s like new….please let us know.
It is great, don’t know how you two do it, love it, love it, I’m so proud of you two.
Aunt Molly